Encore Fire Protection Blog


Winter Tips for Fire Sprinkler Freeze-ups

Frozen fire protection systems result in fire losses due to crippled detection or extinguishing systems and extensive water damage…

As temperatures drop this winter, fire sprinkler systems become vulnerable to freeze-ups. When water freezes inside a sprinkler pipe, it creates an obstruction that can render the sprinkler system useless in the event of a fire. As the ice expands, it increases the internal water pressure in the pipe, which causes the pipe to burst.

fire sprinkler system freeze up

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How Long Does a Fire Extinguisher Last?

An important piece of safety equipment that is often taken for granted is the portable fire extinguisher. Many people walk by extinguishers without even noticing them. But fire extinguishers are there for an extremely important reason: to save lives. 

If your building or property's extinguishers are expired or become damaged over time, you are putting people at risk - and not mention the costly damages that you could incur in the event of a fire. So how long does a fire extinguisher last? Let's run through the facts.


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